Thursday, December 16, 2004

suns not kitsch!

I have never really been into sports that much. I mean I have been when I played them, and I do like to watch games, but it seems impossible for me to be able to remember players, stats, percentages, or teams. I mean I just watch what I enjoy. I watched the ASU football games to see my school, and I must tell you I am going to watch them when they are in the bowl, on Christmas. That is something that is for sure! I used to watch all the Bronco games (minus the the second half of the second quater, halftime, and the 3rd quater.. that was nap time) it was every Sunday. I really enjoy hockey, or skateboarding/bmx/anything but rollerblading... and will watch when I can. I must tell you though that the more I watch the suns, the more I really get back with basketball. I think that they are really exciting to watch. They are a really just FUN team! It doesn't really seem like it would be something that I like, but I can't help but get excited about the games. I am sure that having someone to watch with that has a passion for the game helps a lot of it, but still. I know that I am going to keep put on the games. I know that I will not be able to tell you anything much about them, but I can tell you that the firm that designed their uniforms, and court came to talk to one of my classes. The more I look at their designs compare to others, I get all like critical about how it is done. I really think that a lot of teams should redo theirs now. It seems like whenever I watch sports that is what I think about. I suppose at least I am not totally checking out all the guys, just the design of everything. That is what is truly awesome to me. I do it with buildings and everything but wow I didn't think I would start to telling you the art style that sports teams have taken their look from...
but I suppose that is my passion...